CoastIPC is your source for the most extensive offering of Industrial and Embedded Computing products. We represent the leading brands including Advantech, Neousys, and many more. Our product selection is matched by our impressive services including customer-specific needs analysis, custom fabrication and branding and in-house configuration, software serialization, kitting, and documentation services. With more than 20 years of hands-on industry expertise, we are uniquely suited to help you get up and running right out of the box. What can Coast do for you?
Contact us today to find the right industrial computing solution to fit your needs.
Our Mission
At CoastIPC we build the brains for the smartest machines in the world, and the ones about to be born. We provide rugged enduring platforms to learn amazing things and execute complex tasks. We support the development of machines through collaboration and hardware selection, building products with a quality process second to none.
Our Partners
Our partners are chosen carefully for their ability to deliver consistent high quality products and services. Their responsiveness to our concerns and your need for support must be part of the match for CoastIPC. We work closely with major partners in product development, testing, and service solutions as part of our team. They’re not just vendors. They are a carefully selected extensions of the CoastIPC family.

Our People
Our product experts take the time to understand your challenges and your applications to offer focused advice, guidance, and system design as needed. Our knowledge of cutting edge technology and rapidly changing conditions is your insider advantage. Our build and service staff are located just south of Boston, and are ready to support you before the sale, during implementation, and if problems arise.
Our Projects
Quality is the primary characteristic of the computers and accessories we sell. Base computers, memory, storage drives, expansion cards and cables must all meet top industry standards. We won't substitute a "house brand" as a replacement for authentic industrial grade construction and specifications. Our wide range of fanless computers and complex custom rack systems will all meet a high level of excellence and lasting performance.